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Your Most Critical Financial Task of the Year

Everyone needs an emergency fund. It’s more important than investing, and believe it or not, it’s more important than paying down debt. Find out how much you need and why.

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Here’s a $200 question for you…

How much money do you need to make before you fly first class? The answer comes down to more than just your income.

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Benefit from higher rents (without buying a rental)

Everyone knows housing prices are soaring. So, how can you profit from rising real estate prices without buying a rental property?

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Happy Pigs Means Pricier Bacon

Inflation keeps roaring. In November, the Consumer Price Index, the go-to measure of inflation, rose 6.8% year over year.

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Here’s Your Vacation Budget. Go Somewhere

Most of you know I hate budgets. But they serve a purpose, and today we are going to look at how much you can spend on travel.

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Everyone Can Make More Money

Everyone across the income spectrum is capable of making more money. Money is a choice. Once you see that, you cannot unsee it.

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